Zapp® Encore® - Q&A

What has changed for me in buying Zapp Encore?

Troy Animal Healthcare is pleased to confirm that the supply of Zapp Encore will continue, following the acquisition of the product from Elanco New Zealand.

Who now owns Zapp Encore ?

From today, Zapp Encore will be supported and supplied by Troy.

Has the price changed?

The price of Zapp Encore will be communicated shortly via mail or email. If you have questions regarding the price, please contact Troy.

How do I purchase the product?

Troy will continue to supply Zapp Encore in a similar manner to what you have experienced with Elanco. If you have been ordering directly from Elanco in the past, you will need to alter your purchase orders to indicate the supplier as Troy. If you have been supplied via a third party, please continue to use that method of ordering.

Will there be issues with supply over the acquisition?

Troy has been working with Elanco to ensure there is adequate inventory and supply continuity of Zapp Encore to service the needs to all customers. There will be limited interruption in supply.

How do I contact Troy?

Phone: NZ Toll Free: 800 456 829

Email: [email protected]
